Logos and Verifone in strategic partnership to revolutionize unattended payments

Logos Payment Solutions, a pioneer in unattended payment technologies, and Verifone, a global leader in FinTech solutions, proudly announce a strategic partnership aimed at advancing unattended payment experiences across diverse industries.

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The collaboration sees the integration of Verifone’s cutting-edge UX700, its next generation unattended payment device, with Logos’ unparalleled expertise in self-service payment solutions. This strategic alliance is positioned to redefine the landscape of unattended payments, catering to industries ranging from petrol, car wash, and EV charging to vending, automated retail, and beyond.

Himanshu Patel, CEO of Verifone, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “With the groundbreaking UX700, Verifone set new standards for versatility and innovation in the realm of unattended payments. Our partnership with Logos enables us to seamlessly integrate our state-of-the-art device with Logos’ self-service payment applications, delivering a powerful bundle which will enable merchants from a wider array of industries to enrich the customer experience.”

Casper Bøyesen-Laugen, CEO of Logos, echoed Patel’s sentiments, emphasizing the synergy between the two companies. “The convergence of Verifone’s UX700 with Logos’ extensive experience in unmanned payment solutions marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of self-service payments. Our extensive catalogue of industry-specific self-service applications and industrial controllers, combined with Verifone’s UX700 device and payment gateway, empowers us to deliver unattended payment solutions to markets around the world.”

Verifone, renowned for its four-decade legacy of innovation and uncompromised security, operates in over 165 countries, facilitating more than 14 billion transactions annually on its gateways. Logos, with a track record spanning 25 years and an installed base exceeding 35,000 devices across 10 markets, have unparalleled expertise in building unattended payment solutions, particularly in the mobility services sector.

Together, Verifone and Logos are positioned to revolutionize the unattended payments landscape, delivering value to businesses and consumers worldwide.

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