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Franchiseefirst fuel bonds are a simple, cost effective and capital efficient way for a Dealer to meet their security obligations to their Fuel Supplier.

UNCONDITIONAL AND UNSECURED A-rated wet stock payment bonds are now available in favour of qualifying Suppliers on behalf of their Retailers. The smart alternative to bank guarantees.

FREE UP RETAILER CAPITAL to develop or expand your business. Franchiseefirst can offer A-rated wet stock payment guarantees to qualifying Suppliers without requiring security over retailer assets. 

Traditional security deposits, such as bank guarantees, often require collateral in the form of cash or at the very least, use of available credit lines.

Franchiseefirst fuel bonds, on the other hand, are underwritten without a requirement for hard collateral and as such Dealers are free to utilise the cash or credit lines previously tied up by their bank guarantee as they see fit.

In other words, Franchiseefirst fuel bonds not only protect the Fuel Supplier in the event of a default, but they can actually decrease the likelihood of a default in the first place by improving the Dealers access to their own, previously encumbered, working capital.

Franchiseefirst are authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK and have Partnered with Hiscox Insurance Company.

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