ProLicht GmbH

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ProLicht is a worldwide Signage supplier based in Hildesheim, Germany.

With more than 700 employees and companies in Poland, Hungary, UK, Spain and Romania we can assist companies big or small with their signage requirements - from individual signs to a rebrand of thousands of stations. With our customer oriented approach we will add value to your business through a high quality in project management, products and service. 

This has helped us in making pan European and worldwide rebranding projects a process, such as Circle K (1.500 stations within 1.5 years), Skoda (more than 1.000 stores) or Mazda (several hundred stores). Additonally we are serving AUDI in most countries of the world and can name Harley Davidson as our customers. Since 2022 we are single supplier for the new TOYOTA CI in Europe. We were able to go all the way with our partners - from prototoyping, to production, to logistics, to installation and to maintenance whilst creating state of the art documentation.

Through our Global Signware Alliance with partners in USA (Blair Image Elements) and Australia (Albert Smith) we can offer you a truly global approach to your request and can assure the same quality throughout, regardless of the location.

Visit for further information. Make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram.