FUEL Online

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FUEL Online is an experienced provider of digital training solutions to fuel retailers including Vivo Energy, Sasol, Engen South Africa and NNPC.

We deliver a full-service solution, enabling effective online training delivery to countries and companies with connectivity limitations and highly dispersed, white collar and low-literate workforces, ensuring that we reach every client’s brand representative.

Our solution comprises of Hardware (training kiosks), an LMS/LXP platform with full reporting for all levels of the business, integration into ERP or HRMS systems as needed, project-based content development, deployment of content to devices, academy management and a learner support centre.

FUEL has extensive experience managing and implementing ongoing training initiatives into developing world territories where operations need to be sustained, often with limited IT infrastructure. Our robust Learning Management System is uniquely set up to serve as a global communication platform that can reach all of your learners to ensure knowledge distribution.

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