BistroBox GmbH

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The Future of Convenience

BistroBox, an innovator in the field of smart convenience stores, presents its 24-hour pizzeria concept and its BistroBrain® smart store technology platform.

The company offers a complete range of self-service systems with smart store technology and freshly baked pizza at its core. The BistroBox systems enable high quality convenience gastronomy with low staffing requirements and 24/7 service.

The concept ranges from unmanned to partially manned hybrid solutions, designed to help service station chains meet the challenges of staffing and opening hours.

BistroBox technology has been proven and refined through millions of sales transactions. BistroBox systems are currently in operation at over 40 locations, serving more than 100,000 customers per month.

The founder-led company is based in Austria and is actively seeking strategic partners for international expansion.

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