Bever Innovations

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Bever Innovations delivers high-quality outdoor LED products for the international petrol retail industry. With a 100% focus on this demanding market, our customers strongly benefit from our years of experience and know-how.

As a technical innovator, Bever Innovations has gained a leading position in the field of intelligent and connected LED products:

  • Intelligent LED Under Canopy Illumination 
  • LED Price Changing Units
  • LED Screens
  • LED Area Illumination
  • LED Contour Illumination
  • Smart Asset management and predictive maintenance

Bever Innovations is the market leader in intelligent LED lighting products for petrol stations. Bever Innovations is represented globally and supplies its products in over 100 countries to many clients including Shell, BP, Q8 and also Total.

Each canopy or site is different and may need a customized solution for the best light output and maximal energy savings. Bever Innovations offers customized lighting solutions.

Are you interested in your own personalized light plan, contact us!

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