ReFuel Forum Europe 2024

Barcelona 08870, Spain

Last update:

ReFuelEurope gets ready for two days of high-energy networking and industry collaboration.

With its agenda of pre-arranged one-on-ones, informal networking and lively debates led by key figures in the industry, ReFuel Europe gives a 360-degree view of what’s needed to take your business forward.

Our unique format provides the opportunity to network among industry peers, establish new relationships and benchmark your business in a beautiful and relaxing environment.

What to expect?

Access to some of the best fuel retailers and suppliers in the region, showcasing the industry’s most innovative products and services.

Hear from thought leaders and best-in-class practitioners. 

Our content will encourage constructive dialogue – with presentations that address the most current and pressing issues, their complexities and solutions.

Tailor your own program of one-to-one meetings, to ensure that the people sitting opposite you tick all the boxes on your list of business aspirations. 

Cut to the chase – our invitation-only policy means you’ll only meet with the decision makers.

Network with your peers in a luxury location, through first-class social events, designed to develop and strengthen relationships.


Hotel Eurostars, Sitges
Av. Camí de Miralpeix, 12
Barcelona 08870

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