Egypt Energy Show (EGYPES) 2025

Nasr City, Cairo Governorate 4440510, Egypt

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Held under the patronage and participation of His Excellency Abdel Fattah El Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, EGYPES (Egypt Energy Show) is at the heart of the dynamic, fast growing energy conversation welcoming 47,000+ energy stakeholders from across the energy value and supply chains to meet, connect and explore business-critical avenues for growth. Building upon the success of EGYPES 2024, held under theme of "Driving Energy Transition, Security, and Decarbonisation", where industry leaders, experts, and stakeholders gathered to explore the latest trends and drive regional progress, EGYPES 2025 promises to be even more transformative.

Save the date: 17 - 19 February 2025

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Egypt International Exhibition Center
El-Moshir Tantawy Axis, Al Hay Al Asher
Nasr City, Cairo Governorate 4440510

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