English Español ATIO Group bets on the future of fuels on its 30th Anniversary

The company celebrated ATIO Day, the first exclusive event for the Fuel Industry, where 500 entrepreneurs, experts and regulators analyze the future of the energy sector.

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To commemorate its 30th anniversary, ATIO Group held ATIO Day, the first exclusive event for the fuel industry, where 500 businessmen, experts and regulators analyzed the future of hydrocarbon sales in Mexico and the transition to new energies, e-mobility and technological solutions with Artificial Intelligence.

The event included the forum "The Future of the Fuel Industry", with the presence of analysts such as Rocío Robles, director of Lobbying Mexico; Rosario Avilés, aviation columnist; Rosanety Barrios, Energy specialist, and Alejandro Montúfar, from Petro Intelligence. It also welcomed political analyst Roy Campos and technology experts José Antonio Pontón and Mauricio Corona, from the Service Desk Institute.

Pablo Gualdi, president and CEO of ATIO Group, spoke at the forum about the importance of opening the gas sector to new energies, ensuring the transition to a sustainable energy future, which includes the sale of hydrocarbon fuels for the next decades, given that it will continue to be the main source of energy for cargo transportation, aviation and shipping.

"E-mobility and new energies such as hydrogen are options that are taking longer than expected to develop, so hydrocarbons will continue to occupy the center of the fuel industry," Gualdi told guests from the fueling, storage, distribution, transportation, logistics, airport and supply sectors.

"However," he added, "the industry must promote the use of more sustainable fuels and prepare to incorporate new energies as they are consolidated, as well as use information technologies to optimize the use of hydrocarbons and collect useful data for the energy transition."

ATIO Day also held the networking and panels session New Technological Solutions for the Fuel Industry, led by Daniela Loredo, editor of Energy 21, with the participation of Interlogic, Enersafe and Verifigas.

At the event, the ATIO Awards were presented to outstanding distributors and employees, in a ceremony hosted by Crystal Mendivil, from Imagen Noticias and Medidor Mx, and Adal Ramones.

In 1994, Pablo Gualdi created alongside three colleagues Alta Tecnología Informática de Organización, ATIO Group, which in 1997 developed ControlGAS, the management software used by more than 5,000 service stations in Mexico and 3,000 in the Caribbean and South America.

Today ATIO Group has more than 250 employees, 20 distributors in Mexico and Latin America, 40% of the national market, offices in Mexico, Miami and Buenos Aires and the first software factory for the fuel industry.

Over three decades, ATIO Group has created a portfolio of solutions for the entire supply chain and end consumers, from warehousing centers, transportation fleets, gas stations, volumetric controls, airports, digital check-in, online payments and facial recognition.

In 2016, it created FuelGATE, the only solution in Spanish for airside fueling, which is used by 62 terminals in Mexico and 25 in Colombia, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Peru. In 2021, it created ATIO University, the first training platform for the gas sector. It is also involved in e-mobility and new energy projects.

With the first ATIO Day, the company consolidates its leadership by promoting the integration of the gas sector, the duscissoon on the future of energy, the transition to new energies and cutting-edge technological solutions for the fuel industry.

"Fuel moves the world, ATIO moves the world of Fuel."

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